Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dyersburg, TN.

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Hello again.

Today was a good travel day for us and we are just about out of Tennessee. It sure is a beautiful state but we must move on. Because bad weather was predicted in Memphis and possible flooding we chose to move north and cross the Mississippi into Missouri rather than Arkansas. Well we just about made it. We are now in Dyersburg, TN with just a few miles to go. to make the crossing. But we are too tired and it is getting late. So here we sit at a Best Western still in Dyersburg,Tn. At least the sun came out late in the afternoon, our plan worked we beat the rain once more.

Although the weather was overcast this morning during our travels the temperature was great. It must have been in the high 70’s. The roads were nice although not as nice as in a park way. the roads were scenic and easy to drive. We ate breakfast at the hotel before leaving but by 2:00 we were in need of a break. We made a wrong turn, a right instead of a left. My bad as I am the navigator. Chriss's GPS was correct and mine was out to lunch. Chriss finally pulled into the entrance of Henry Horton State Park where we could park and check our map. I stayed on the bike and he went to buy me a coke. He came back without the coke but told me there was a park building that looked like a big restaurant. Chriss said there was a sign that said it only served lunch from 12:00 until 2:00. It was now 2:02 PM. There was a coke machine on the side so we proceeded up the stairs to get a coke. The door was open and we peeked in and asked if we could get something to eat. The lady said “oh sure, come on in”, more Southern Hospitality for sure.

Well it seems this State Park had a restaurant that was an open buffet of hot food and salads. They were just about to close down but welcomed us to have lunch for the cost of $6.75 per person. The servers and cooks proceeded to sit with us, get acquainted and tell camp stories. What nice people. We spent at least 1 ½ hours with them laughing and telling stories about all of our experiences during our wild motorcycle travels. This park is gorgeous has camping sites, a hotel, a restaurant, trails, and educational opportunities for just the price of camping at at state park, amazing. After that we left and continued on our preplanned route.

We were hoping to stop two towns before we actually found a town with an acceptable motel. Dyersburg would have to be it. So far we have traveled 1400 miles since our departure last Monday 8/4. As the crow flies I am sure the number is much less because we certainly have not traveled in a straight line. If someone told us of a nice motorcycle road to try we took it regardless of where it was going to take us......what fun. We have met some very interesting and nice people along the way. We have seen some beautiful sights, much more enjoyable on a motorcycle. Since Missouri is the Show Me state we are hoping to be shown some more. We are tired tonight after all our travels but will start again tomorrow.. The pictures are of the State Park and Lunch, what nice people they were.

Good Night,

Carol & Chriss

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